Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Circuit Parameters - III

The next step is to take a sample circuit with a voltage source, resistors, inductors and capacitors and to automate the naming of the elements.

The unique  identification all these elements have is their position in the spreadsheet - only one element can occupy a cell. So the first part is to write a small function that will translate the cell information from [row, column] form to the form that can be read of from the spreadsheet.

That function is here:

So the string that marks the cell position being an immutable element can be the key in a dictionary. A dictionary can be made of all elements found in the circuit and these can be accessed at any time by the position.

Now an identification is chosen, what will be the value of this dictionary item? Ideally, it would be great if it could be the object itself. Then every element will be an object uniquely identified by its position and with the same methods for transferring data to and from the main solver.

This program seems to do this (click on "View Raw" below the code box to see the code going out of the window):

In this file, network_reader is the Python code that contains the circuit interpreter done so far. Each class so far contains only the information of its index (or serial number) and the position in the spreadsheet.
class Resistor:
    def __init__(self, res_index, res_pos):
    def display(self):
        print "Resistor is ",
        print "R"+str(self.res_number),
        print " located at ",
        print self.res_pos

All the class references are added to the dictionary:
component_list={"Resistor":Resistor, "Inductor":Inductor, "Capacitor":Capacitor, "Voltage_Source":Voltage_Source}

This is what component list looks like:
>>> component_list
{'Voltage_Source': <class __main__.Voltage_Source at 0x02C9F810>, 'Resistor': <class __main__.Resistor at 0x02C9F768>, 'Inductor': <class __main__.Inductor at 0x02C9F7A0>, 'Capacitor': <class __main__.Capacitor at 0x02C9F7D8>}

The next step is to generate a dictionary of all the components found in the spreadsheet:
for c1 in range(len(tst_mat)):
    for c2 in range(len(tst_mat[0])):
        if tst_mat[c1][c2]:
            if tst_mat[c1][c2].lower()!="wire":
                if tst_mat[c1][c2] in component_list.keys():
                    if tst_mat[c1][c2] not in components_found:
                        components_found[tst_mat[c1][c2]]=[nw_rd.csv_element([c1, c2])]
                        components_found[tst_mat[c1][c2]].append(nw_rd.csv_element([c1, c2]))
                    print "Error! Component at %s doesn't exist." %nw_rd.csv_element([c1, c2])

And this is what the dictionary looks like:
>>> components_found
{'Voltage_Source': ['4A'], 'Resistor': ['1B', '1F'], 'Inductor': ['1C', '1H'], 'Capacitor': ['4E']}

From this list, each component can be given a name as they have a specific index in a list.

Finally, to create a dictionary of all the components found. Here the unique identification will be the position in the spreadsheet:
for items in components_found.keys():
    for c1 in range(len(components_found[items])):
        component_objects[components_found[items][c1]]=component_list[items](c1+1, components_found[items][c1])

A quick explanation to what I have done:

1. components_found[items] are the different types of components - voltage source, resistors etc.
2. components_found[items][c1] are the positions of each of these components. So these are the keys of the dictionary component_objects.
3. component_list[items] is the value of the dictionary item corresponding to the component type - and this is a class constructor. This contructor takes the values of the index and the position.
This is the final result:
Inductor is  L1  located at  1C
Resistor is  R1  located at  1B
Resistor is  R2  located at  1F
Inductor is  L2  located at  1H
Capacitor is  C1  located at  4E
Voltage Source is  V1  located at  4A

For the circuit below

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