Thursday, July 26, 2018

Importing and exporting parameters in the Django web app

The main reason for creating the Django based web app was to have a single interface for most tasks related to simulating circuits. For example, in the command line interface, you would need to do the following:

1. Create circuit schematics in a spreadsheet.
2. Launch the circuit simulator in command line with "python"
3. Enter the simulation parameters in circuit_inputs.csv.
4. Enter the component parameters in the parameter spreadsheets.
5. Enter the control variables in the control descriptors.
6. When the simulation is running, run separate plot commands in either matplotlib or gnuplot to view results.

There are a few steps that are fundamental and unlikely to change. Those are circuits will be designed in circuit schematics with a spreadsheet software and saved as .csv files and control functions will have to be written in text files as .py files. But the command line needs a lot of back and forth between spreadsheets and also plotting the output needs a whole new set of commands and the need to learn gnuplot or matplotlib.

The Django web app simplified that. Only circuit schematics and control functions are still independent. All other parameters and commands can be given in the web interface by clicking on buttons and filling forms. Much more convenient without needing to go back and forth. However, the problem came while transferring simulations. Because now the simulation is stored in a SQLITE database and copy pasting the database will transfer the entire simulation collection rather than just what you want. What is needed is a way to extract the simulation as a set of simple files that can be zipped and copied or emailed.

What I have now added to the Django app has been an export button and an import button. After creating your simulation and checking that it runs the way you expect it to, you can click on export buttons on every circuit component parameters edit page and export all the parameters of that circuit schematic as a .csv file. Additionally, when you want to recreate a simulation in another computer or transfer it to someone else, you need to send the .csv files and use the import button to upload the parameter spreadsheet and copy the parameters to the database. The same process can be performed for control functions as well.

These features are available in version 2.0.7 for Python 2 and in version 4.0.3 for Python 3.

I am already finding this tool useful in maintaining simulations in all my computers and creating and arranging libraries of simulations. Try it out and let me know if you have any questions or comments. To know more about installing the software, check out my You Tube video:

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