Saturday, April 5, 2014

Rewriting the loop finder algorithm

Previously, the system loops were added if they met the following criteria:

1. Did not pass through the same branch or same node more than once.
2. Last node was the same as the first node.

During the loop finder, no check was imposed on whether the loops were independent and so they were several loops which were independent.The way to deal with this was to let the simulation run and after the first run, the dependent loops would become void and be deleted. A simpler method could be used to find the independent loops:

1. Did not pass through the same branch or same node more than once.
2. Last node was the same as the first node.
3. The system branches must be contained in at least one loop.
4. As the loops are added, a loop will be added if and only if it passes through a new branch that the previously found loops have not passed through yet.

The 4th check simplifies the process and at the first iteration, the loops found are independent loops and equal to the number (Branches-Nodes+1).

Here is the code (click on "view raw" to see it in a new window):

 The rest of the loop finder code is pretty much the same. The only difference is that the parallel branches are found in the main block above so they have been eliminated from the other functions. Anyway, the rest of the function code is below (click on "view raw" to see it in a new window):

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